You are guaranteed* to double your income in six months if you complete this course and the projects (see guarantee below). With the $100 Gift Certificate for You (Time-Limited Offer Right Now): You can register right now for only $9/month, for six months, and double your income guaranteed.* The regular fee is $154.
This fun, exciting, and empowering online course includes speaker success projects PDF, presentation skills-boosting checklists, templates, self-awareness quizzes, writing exercises, and an exclusive & private online network. You can do the course at your own pace, any time of day, anywhere online. Here's what you'll learn...
Learn secrets to Live Your Great Life Purpose and Double Your Income, with :
* Your Empowering Checklist to Clarify your Dreams & Goals
* Your Ten Life-Changing Strategic Questions
* Your Top Ten Platforms for Hosting & Sharing Your Own Online Course
* Your Four Steps to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
You can save time and money by learning:
* How you can become the world's leading expert in your field in 60 seconds
• How to Clarify Your Niche Audience with Your Interest Rating Scale
• Four Ways to Attract Clients with Market Research

Attract High-Paying Clients by learning:
•Five Steps to Your Magnetic Brand
• Five Phases for Attracting Clients & Investors without Selling
Clarify Your Million-Dollar Message and Double Your Income Guaranteed* with your free $100 gift certificate (limited time offer). Right now, you can register for this online course for only $9/month for six months (the regular fee is $154).
You Can GET PAID to Attract Clients, with Your Million Dollar Course. You will learn....
• How to Know Your Own Strengths: Teaching Style Self-Awareness Quiz
• How to Inspire Excellence & Referrals from People You Mentor
• Your Million-Dollar Course Template, a script outline that you can use to create and sell your online courses
• Seven Easy Steps to Writing Your Online Course
Attract Buyers Online with Your Inspiring Million-Dollar Message. Discover....
• The 14 Best Ways to Market Your Online Course
• Your Success Challenge: Create and share short, simple videos in the Mastermind Success Team™ so that we can promote your course to a wider audience

Join our Exclusive, Secret Millionaire Success Team Social Network for course members only, so you can trade tips, testimonials, social media sharing, strategies, emotional support, and...
• Connect with affiliates who can promote your work, and/or
• Connect with people who will pay you healthy affiliate commissions for sharing their inspiring programs with your contacts

Subscribe to register now and get a free bonus e-learning course online. You’ll learn…
• How to Attract & Inspire Millions, even if You're Shy
• 4 Ways You Can Earn $500,000 from Speaking
• How You Can Escape The 3 Titanic Mistakes that Most Speakers & Entrepreneurs Make
• The Alchemist's Secrets: Your 6 Secrets to Attracting High-Paying Clients
Clarify Your Million-Dollar Message and Double Your Income Guaranteed* with your free $100 gift certificate (limited time offer). Right now, you can register for this online course for only $9/month for six months (the regular fee is $154).

Double Your Income Guarantee: you complete all eight assigned projects, spending at least 20 minutes per day on the program, and you have not achieved your financial goals within 6 months, you will get a free customized, VIP consulting session with Sharon Love, M.Ed. (full hour at $10,000 value). If you follow her advice, complete any new projects and do not double your income within 6 months after that, you will get another VIP consulting session (full hour at $10,000 value). The projects in this course include: Online Learning, writing, participating in our VIP Social Network, Producing Videos, Profit-Sharing joint Venture, Social Media, Creating a Web Page and Online Product, and Compiling Written Feedback on Your Presentations. To apply for a VIP consulting session, send your completed projects (including screen shots) in one single Word document, PDF or online weebly web page to Sharon Love via fb or via outstandinglives(at)gmail.com , with “your guarantee” in the title. Of course, you are responsible for your actions and your actions greatly determine your results. For legal information and the legal earnings disclaimer, you can click here.
Clarify Your Million-Dollar Message and Double Your Income Guaranteed* with your free $100 gift certificate (limited time offer). Right now, you can register for this online course for only $9/month for six months (the regular course fee is $154).
Clarify Your Million-Dollar Message and Double Your Income Guaranteed* with your free $100 gift certificate (limited time offer). Right now, you can register for this online course for only $9/month for six months (the regular fee is $154).
Thanks! YOU make a difference. Together, we can inspire your world.