would you like to inspire kindness & make great money at it?
inspire kindness with super peace monkeys
Speak, Inspire and THRIVE! Would you like to teach teachers, parents, and/or children the Success Empowerment Techniques that promote kindness, confidence and kid's mental health?
- Do you like to inspire & empower people?
- Would you like to make great money by making a difference?
- Would you like to give presentations in workplaces, schools or colleges?
- Would you like to get paid to travel and speak wherever you like (if you like)?
- Would you like to save 25 years (over $1,000,000 of time) of speaker research, development, writing and marketing time, with done-for-you research, PowerPoints, website, and branding?
- Would you like to thrive & change lives?
If so, you are invited to join the dream to inspire & empower over 1,000,000,000 people, to create a kinder world. You are invited to apply to our Win with Your Heart Speaker Certification program.
Course leader and course designer Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology) has hired speakers for high-paying opportunities in the corporate world, worked as a speaker for over 20 years, and inspired over 2,000,000 people live and online (with her programs in French, English and Spanish). Once, she raised over $6,000,000 for a youth business centre with a single presentation.
Trying to make it as a speaker or entrepreneur without guidance or support is like trying to swim to Hawaii, on your own. It’s very difficult. In fact, it’s almost impossible. Becoming a motivational speaker with guidance and support (especially from someone who actually worked in speaking and hired speakers in a corporation) is like taking an eco-jet to Hawaii. It’s much more fun, and it’s faster and easier.
Our Speaker Certification includes done-for-you research (with a Master of Education degree to back it up), Secrets of the Success Empowerment Technique™, branding, Powerpoints, and effective marketing brochures. You will also get invitations to four online video summits of an hour each. You will get to participate in the program, then practice leading parts of it. You will enjoy positive and supportive feedback on your practice presentation. To earn certification and get a link on our website, you will need to participate in at least two of the four summits, and send a 5-10 minute video of you teaching a group of four or more people using our program.
To ensure maximum personal attention, only ten people are admitted to the Speaker Certification program per term. For admittance to the program, your qualifications include:
- A passion for learning Psycho-Spiritual Success Secrets
- At least 10 hours of experience speaking, teaching, coaching, counselling and/or mentoring
- A commitment to using kind communication with clients, students, mentors, and everyone else
- Openness to using the Win with Your Heart 6-Second Success Empowerment Technique daily
- Willingness and ability to invest at least $988 and 20 hours or more in earning your Speaker Certification (two volunteer work exchanges are available)
- A spiritual practice such as meditation, yoga, or affirmative prayer is an asset
- Entrepreneurial and/or networking experience is a great asset
- A solid network is a great asset
We will only be accepting up to ten people into the Speaker Certification program this summer. Deadline for applications is July 2, 2107. Interviews will be held via phone and skype July 3-5. If you have questions about the program, you can call 416-997-138(two).
To apply, please click the gold button at the top of the page.
Thanks! YOU make a difference. You deserve to speak, inspire and THRIVE!