"Proactive and preventative, Super Peace Monkeys is positive and up-beat enough to evoke great interaction with students. I’ve implemented many programs in schools, and simple programs are better. This is simple enough for people to grasp, and I think it will be successful."
-School Board Trustee and former Principal
The Three Keys to Caring Kids & Schools
Educators, would you like to inspire and thrive?
Introducing your teaching Super Power... You can change lives with Super Peace Monkeys!
Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed by overwork?
Are you frustrated by student misbehaviour, constant noise and/or bullying?
Do you need appreciation, respect and support... as well as ease and peace?
There is a solution! You are about to learn the Three Keys to Caring Kids & Schools...
Discover your superpower to inspire, empower and thrive. You are about to learn the three keys to Inspire support, respect and appreciation from kids, parents and administrators. Dare to dream of creating calm, safe, caring schools where everyone, including you can thrive...
* Prevent bullying and aggression effectively by addressing the root causes
* Teach self-calming skills, to help kids focus & learn
* Build confidence, social and leadership skills
* Encourage kindness and cooperation... with a research-based system that really works
First, you’re probably wondering who I am and why you should listen to me. Hi. My name is Sharon Love, M.Ed. When I first started teaching kids over 25 years ago, I really struggled with class management, and I totally burnt out. It was so bad, I got laryngitis, I couldn’t sleep at night. I was supposed to teach French to 34 grade 7s, but they could barely hear a word I said. So I did a Master of Education in Psychology at University of Toronto. Over a few decades, I also researched the top social-emotional wellness and Psychological health programs in the world. In time, I discovered the three keys to caring kids & schools. I applied what I learned in the classroom, and it worked. I inspired thousands of children, teachers, and others in Spanish, French and English. I’ll never forget when I heard one kid say to another, “that was THE best class EVER!”
Eventually, I worked as the lead Psychometrist with a large Ontario school board, and I was called in to work with a small boy who had been constantly beating up smaller children. When I asked him why, it turned out he was imitating his favourite superhero. That sparked an idea...
We learn so much from our superheroes about how to act, how to get safe, how to resolve conflicts, and how to be powerful... how to survive and thrive. Superheroes are our role models, our mentors, our examples of how to get respect and reward. Unfortunately, most superheroes teach violence.
So I created Super Peace Monkeys to inspire and empower calm, kind behaviour in kids and school. Super Peace Monkeys are a Psychological health skills learning system based on the three keys to caring kids and schools. They are like the head, the hand and the heart to caring kids and schools. Key number one... drum roll...

KEY ONE: Social-Emotional Peaceful Superhero Curriculum Resources that make kids feel like caring Superstars
This is the heart of the Super Peace Monkeys program. When you give kids a positive self-image, they tend to live up to it. When you give an entire class a new self-image to live up to, it builds their confidence and their sense of belonging to something great. The intro chant for Super Peace Monkeys says, “you’re superstars... you can see. With your super peace monkeys.” You can teach social-emotional skills in a fun, inspiring way, and at the same time boost academic performance with Super Peace Monkeys videos, books, songs, games, crafts, stories and kits. For just a few examples, you can look at the free online word game and other free gifts in the Kids section at SuperPeaceMonkeys.com .
There are four key social-emotional skills (not vague character traits, but specific SKILLS) that children can use to create safe and caring schools. There are four Super Peace Monkeys, and each one illustrates one of those skills.
For example, Smiling Sam teaches self-calming skills and impulse control. My book “Breathe, walk or Talk” helps impulsive and aggressive kids to learn how to prevent their own bullying, with a repetitive and memorable chant. Research shows that social-emotional learning can decrease student fights by 50% (casel.org)
The Super Peace Monkeys curriculum integrates reading, writing, social studies, and even math, so you can save prep time and increase the amount of time that students are actually engaged in learning. Help boost academic performance (“a 2011 meta-analysis found that students who received Social-Emotional Learning instruction have academic achievement scores an average of 11 percentile points higher than students who did not participate in Social-Emotional Learning programs.
This is the heart of the Super Peace Monkeys program. When you give kids a positive self-image, they tend to live up to it. When you give an entire class a new self-image to live up to, it builds their confidence and their sense of belonging to something great. The intro chant for Super Peace Monkeys says, “you’re superstars... you can see. With your super peace monkeys.” You can teach social-emotional skills in a fun, inspiring way, and at the same time boost academic performance with Super Peace Monkeys videos, books, songs, games, crafts, stories and kits. For just a few examples, you can look at the free online word game and other free gifts in the Kids section at SuperPeaceMonkeys.com .
There are four key social-emotional skills (not vague character traits, but specific SKILLS) that children can use to create safe and caring schools. There are four Super Peace Monkeys, and each one illustrates one of those skills.
For example, Smiling Sam teaches self-calming skills and impulse control. My book “Breathe, walk or Talk” helps impulsive and aggressive kids to learn how to prevent their own bullying, with a repetitive and memorable chant. Research shows that social-emotional learning can decrease student fights by 50% (casel.org)
The Super Peace Monkeys curriculum integrates reading, writing, social studies, and even math, so you can save prep time and increase the amount of time that students are actually engaged in learning. Help boost academic performance (“a 2011 meta-analysis found that students who received Social-Emotional Learning instruction have academic achievement scores an average of 11 percentile points higher than students who did not participate in Social-Emotional Learning programs.

KEY TWO: Psycho-educational Support and The 6 Secrets for Parents and Teachers – this is the head of the Super Peace Monkeys program.
According to research, over 82% of teachers report interest in further training in Social-Emotional Learning. 81% say that lack of social-emotional skills reinforcement at home is a big challenge (CASEL.org). You don’t need to do a Master’s in Educational Psychology and over 25 years of research into the world’s top social-emotional wellness. I’ve done that for you. Through Super Peace Monkeys, I offer Appreciation, support and The 6 Secrets of Social Emotional Wellness – in the form of fun & inspiring workshops and webinars for parents and teachers. Most of the time is spent celebrating successes and giving you practical solutions to actual behavioral issues you may be facing, based on your questions.
According to research, over 82% of teachers report interest in further training in Social-Emotional Learning. 81% say that lack of social-emotional skills reinforcement at home is a big challenge (CASEL.org). You don’t need to do a Master’s in Educational Psychology and over 25 years of research into the world’s top social-emotional wellness. I’ve done that for you. Through Super Peace Monkeys, I offer Appreciation, support and The 6 Secrets of Social Emotional Wellness – in the form of fun & inspiring workshops and webinars for parents and teachers. Most of the time is spent celebrating successes and giving you practical solutions to actual behavioral issues you may be facing, based on your questions.

KEY THREE: A Motivational System that Respects and Encourages Kids
Class management is not easy. In every classroom, there are kids are struggling with tough situations... and their self-calming skills need extra support to create safe and caring classroom. That’s where Monkey Math Money comes in. Monkey math money reinforces the “You are Superstars message” and the Psychological health skills that kids learned from the Super Peace Monkeys curriculum. When kids earn Monkey Math money cards, they can exchange them for various rewards (time on the website playing online educational games, extra recess time, extra story time, extra choice time, Super Peace Monkeys Magic Mood pencils, extra class trips, or whatever other rewards you and your class will all enjoy. You can offer individual rewards as well as class rewards. This is ONLY for positive reinforcement, you can’t lose points, and individual points are always kept private, out of respect for students. This is a system that was created by educators and kids, for educators and kids).
On a scale of 1-10, where ten is perfect, how clear, respectful and encouraging is your motivational system?
So as a quick review, the three keys to caring kids and schools are...
Yes, you can inspire, thrive, and change lives. You can learn the secrets to inspire support, respect, and appreciation for educators. You can empower students to care.
Just click below to get started. Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can create caring schools, and a peaceful world.
-Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder and Creator, Super Peace Monkeys
Class management is not easy. In every classroom, there are kids are struggling with tough situations... and their self-calming skills need extra support to create safe and caring classroom. That’s where Monkey Math Money comes in. Monkey math money reinforces the “You are Superstars message” and the Psychological health skills that kids learned from the Super Peace Monkeys curriculum. When kids earn Monkey Math money cards, they can exchange them for various rewards (time on the website playing online educational games, extra recess time, extra story time, extra choice time, Super Peace Monkeys Magic Mood pencils, extra class trips, or whatever other rewards you and your class will all enjoy. You can offer individual rewards as well as class rewards. This is ONLY for positive reinforcement, you can’t lose points, and individual points are always kept private, out of respect for students. This is a system that was created by educators and kids, for educators and kids).
On a scale of 1-10, where ten is perfect, how clear, respectful and encouraging is your motivational system?
So as a quick review, the three keys to caring kids and schools are...
Yes, you can inspire, thrive, and change lives. You can learn the secrets to inspire support, respect, and appreciation for educators. You can empower students to care.
Just click below to get started. Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can create caring schools, and a peaceful world.
-Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder and Creator, Super Peace Monkeys
$1 build kids' social-emotional and reading skillsGet instant access to an e-book PDF and video: Super Peace Monkeys Superstar Read-Along Rap-Chant e-Book, Plus Superstar Speedlearning video (similar to the video above, but with a simple Super Peace Monkeys image and no explanation for adults). Suitable for social-emotional skills-building at ALL levels. Challenging for reading levels JK to grade three. Beginning readers can learn to follow the chant with their fingers, memorize words quickly, and build confidence as "readers". Free bonus today: the e-book includes a self-illustrating book ("you're the artist") to improve literacy, creativity and confidence. Children can draw illustrations for each page of the book. Classes can collaborate and have each child illustrate 1-2 pages. Collate the illustrations into a cooperative book. Copy and collate the pages to create class books for each child, and you will win Superstar Teacher status! Thanks! YOU make a difference. -Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder and Creator, Super Peace Monkeys |
$97 (USD) Thriving Principal, Educator or Parent Consultation
Enjoy a laser-focused 15-minute phone consultation via phone or skype that is guaranteed to solve your biggest social-emotional leadership or parenting challenge. Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology) will listen, empathize, and offer recommendations based on over 30 years of psycho-educational research and experience. Your satisfaction is guaranteed! If you implement her recommendations and they don’t solve the issues, you get another free consultation. If you implement the second set of recommendations and they don’t solve the issue, you get another free consultation or you get your money back. Thanks! YOU make a difference.
-Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder and Creator, Super Peace Monkeys |
$997 (USD) Teach, Inspire & Thrive! Live Presentation for Educators and/or Parents by Sharon Love, M.Ed., (Psychology)
Learn Three Psychological Secrets to Caring Kids & Schools
Free bonuses for schools and boards that book a presentation this week:
Thanks! YOU make a difference. -Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder and Creator, Super Peace Monkeys |
$9,997 (USD) Silver Caring School Certification
As above, plus enjoy...
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$99,997 (USD) Platinum Caring School Certification Plus Marketing Video for school or School Board
As above, plus enjoy...
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As above, plus enjoy...
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