You Make a Difference! |
Contact Us![]() Sharon Love, M.Ed., President
OUTstanding Lives Network ™ Phone: 416-693-5683 facebook page facebook profile sharon(at) Skype: outstanding.lives Note: phone and facebook are the best ways to contact me. |
For a free, introductory coaching session on how you can reach millions and attract gay-friendly employees, clients, voters, customers, or even dates, call 416-693-5683.
Thanks for Visiting!

You can help save young lives, simply by showing you care. To make a difference, you can...
* Post "I care" in the Support Gay Youth Page
* Learn about the community on Free Videos & Fun
* Visit our "So Gay T-Shirts & Gifts Store" for holiday and birthday gifts that support gay youth
* Grow Your Results by Listing in our "Find Resources" Directory
Together, we can build confidence in millions of youth.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
* Post "I care" in the Support Gay Youth Page
* Learn about the community on Free Videos & Fun
* Visit our "So Gay T-Shirts & Gifts Store" for holiday and birthday gifts that support gay youth
* Grow Your Results by Listing in our "Find Resources" Directory
Together, we can build confidence in millions of youth.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
YOU Make a Difference.
For a complimentary coaching session to achieve your dreams, click here.
To Learn the First Secret of the World's Greatest Leaders, click here.
To Learn how you, too, can motivate millions, click here.
To find out how you can empower gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans youth, Click here.
If you have a gay-friendly web site or other resource that you might like to list in our "Find Resources" section, please click here. Thanks! We really appreciate it.
To join us & suggest to friends on Facebook, please click here .
Thanks! We really appreciate it.