Yes! We can create justice. Dare to dream of a world of equal marriage everywhere. If you support equality, please:
1) click the icons above to share this page
2) register then scroll down to take part in the e-March* now, (* e-March on-line: fun activism on-line to support same-sex marriage, with social networking, petitions, gay-friendly success stories, activist wall posting parties, and more)
1) click the icons above to share this page
2) register then scroll down to take part in the e-March* now, (* e-March on-line: fun activism on-line to support same-sex marriage, with social networking, petitions, gay-friendly success stories, activist wall posting parties, and more)
Save Lives! Sign to Save our
2 Million Member Group for Same-Sex Marriage

YES! We Can Save the World's Biggest Gay-Friendly Facebook Group, with over 2 million members. The group is called "I Bet We Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same-Sex Marriage". Now, Facebook says it will archive (delete) the group.
If you support equality, please
1) Share this page by clicking the icons above
2) Click here to sign our petition to Facebook to save the group.
3) Click here to network, share & invite friends to join us.
4) Click here to give your opinion for future e-Marches & events.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
e-March Party of Posting to Obama's Wall

YES! We can create justice. Dare to dream of equal marriage everywhere. Together, we can post 1,000,000 comments for justice on Obama's Wall, and make history! Please
1) click the fb & twitter icons to share this page
2) Copy your favourite line(s) below* for marriage equality (or create your own)...
* Obama, you were born because prejudiced marriage laws were abolished.
* We support your civil rights. Will you support gay, lesbian & LGBT civil rights?
* Do the right thing, Obama. Support same-sex marriage.
* Black, white, gay, straight, marriage is a human right.
* We have a dream... Support same-sex marriage.
* Love is love. Support same-sex marriage.
* Marriage is a civil right.
3) click here to post your "e-march for equality" comment on Obama's wall (you'll need to click "like" to post)...
1) click the fb & twitter icons to share this page
2) Copy your favourite line(s) below* for marriage equality (or create your own)...
* Obama, you were born because prejudiced marriage laws were abolished.
* We support your civil rights. Will you support gay, lesbian & LGBT civil rights?
* Do the right thing, Obama. Support same-sex marriage.
* Black, white, gay, straight, marriage is a human right.
* We have a dream... Support same-sex marriage.
* Love is love. Support same-sex marriage.
* Marriage is a civil right.
3) click here to post your "e-march for equality" comment on Obama's wall (you'll need to click "like" to post)...
More Slogans Ideas for the Party of Posting to Obama's Wall

*God loves gays & LGBT, and so do I.
* Obama, what if one of your daughters is lesbian or bisexual? Will you support her civil right to marry?
* We have a dream. Do you?
* God loves gays. She made us this way.
* We celebrate equality in New York. Now, please support equal marriage everywhere. Thanks!
* Obama, Obama, let us marry who we wanna!
* Black, white, gay, straight. Equal love, not hate.
* Someone you love is gay.
* Together, we can create civil rights for ALL Americans of all colours, all sexual orientations, and all gender identities.
* Obama, what if one of your daughters is lesbian or bisexual? Will you support her civil right to marry?
* We have a dream. Do you?
* God loves gays. She made us this way.
* We celebrate equality in New York. Now, please support equal marriage everywhere. Thanks!
* Obama, Obama, let us marry who we wanna!
* Black, white, gay, straight. Equal love, not hate.
* Someone you love is gay.
* Together, we can create civil rights for ALL Americans of all colours, all sexual orientations, and all gender identities.
Teach Kids to Share & Include Everyone
Let Ernie & Bert get married on Sesame Street

YES, we can make a difference! Dare to dream of a world where all children feel included. If you support equality, please sign our petition to let Ernie & Bert get married on Sesame Street, and/or to include a same-sex couple on the show.
1) click the icons above to share this
petition to Sesame Street
2) click here to sign it.
THANKS! YOU make a difference.
If we get 10,000 signatures on this petition, we will hold a free, fun & inspiring global event on-line called "Ernie & Bert's Wedding".
1) click the icons above to share this
petition to Sesame Street
2) click here to sign it.
THANKS! YOU make a difference.
If we get 10,000 signatures on this petition, we will hold a free, fun & inspiring global event on-line called "Ernie & Bert's Wedding".
Enjoy Gay-friendly Success Stories
...from our guest speakers, Shawne Duperne and Teresa deGrosbois.
Want to fund your dream? Join our team

Want to raise money for your charity, gay-friendly creative project, school or your rent? Make an income from making a difference. We are a social enterprise with a goal to create jobs, pride and freedom for the gay-friendly community. Join our LGBT job and income opportunity affiliate program and earn a percentage of net proceeds just for inviting your gay-friendly contacts to our online events.
Event proceeds support same-sex marriage, and also support the OUTstanding Youth programs to promote self-esteem in LGBTF teens. By signing up, you agree to invite only people who have given you permission to contact them. Click here. If you are creative, you can also include invitations in your blog, web site, newsletters art, posters, vidoes, events, or radio shows.
Event proceeds support same-sex marriage, and also support the OUTstanding Youth programs to promote self-esteem in LGBTF teens. By signing up, you agree to invite only people who have given you permission to contact them. Click here. If you are creative, you can also include invitations in your blog, web site, newsletters art, posters, vidoes, events, or radio shows.
How a "Mute Girl" Inspired Millions to Support Same-Sex Marriage

As an extremely shy teen, Sharon J. Love earned the reputation as the "kid who can't even talk". After over twenty years of researching secrets of the world's outstanding speakers, she went on to inspire millions with gay-friendly presentations and social networks in French, English and Spanish.
An award-winning writer, she also earned a Master of Education degree in Multicultural Psychology. She has a
passion for dance, organic popcorn, songwriting, Aikido, same-sex marriage freedom worldwide, and empowering gay-friendly speakers to inspire millions of people. Scroll down to see the video to learn one her secrets...
An award-winning writer, she also earned a Master of Education degree in Multicultural Psychology. She has a
passion for dance, organic popcorn, songwriting, Aikido, same-sex marriage freedom worldwide, and empowering gay-friendly speakers to inspire millions of people. Scroll down to see the video to learn one her secrets...
OUTstanding Love: Key #1 to Winning Marriage Equality Worldwide
Click here to learn it . Learn how to smash the Four Deadbolts that lock our dreams in the closet. In this mastermind on-line, learn the first of Five Habits Sharon Love used to inspire millions. YOU are OUTstanding! Achieve Miracles with the Power of Self-Love.
Together, we can inspire self-esteem in ten million teens.
In this mastermind on-line, learn the other Five Habits Sharon Love used to
inspire millions. The event is self-paced (whenever you want), and it includes
social networking as well as the five steps. Adult tickets support free teen
inspire millions. The event is self-paced (whenever you want), and it includes
social networking as well as the five steps. Adult tickets support free teen
Make an income from making a difference

Enjoy the interactive presentation and success story by clicking here.
After the presentation, enjoy an invitation by by clicking here.
Then enjoy another invitation by by clicking
Next, join the social networking by by clicking here. You can ask questions and give your opinion on the event (what you liked, what you learned, and how we can improve it).
You can also share your goals and challenges. Thanks for joining us. You make an OUTstanding difference.
After the presentation, enjoy an invitation by by clicking here.
Then enjoy another invitation by by clicking
Next, join the social networking by by clicking here. You can ask questions and give your opinion on the event (what you liked, what you learned, and how we can improve it).
You can also share your goals and challenges. Thanks for joining us. You make an OUTstanding difference.
Thanks to our OUTstanding partner![]() OUTstanding Lives Network would like to thank Diversity Platinum for sponsoring this e-March event. Use promo code oln to save....Save Lives, Save Money, and Support LGBT charities. To earn Recognition as an OUTstanding Partner in our event & invitations next week, click "more info" to the right. |
I'd really appreciate your opinion

How Can We Attract Ten Million People to
on-line events for Same-Sex Marriage Freedom?
I'd really appreciate your opinion on our Same-Sex Marriage Freedom events...
Please click here to have your say. Thanks!