The Surprising Secret to Safe Schools
Imagine being a small kid starting school, and on the first day, they say to you,
“math mistakes are bad. Don’t you dare make these math mistakes. If you make these math mistakes, you’ll be in big, big trouble. Maybe we’ll send you to the principal, or suspend you! If you make these math mistakes, shame on you. Every month, we’ll repeat this same message, because math mistakes are evil. Okay, that’s it for math. Now, it’s time for reading.”
Meanwhile, you’re looking at the teacher, saying to yourself,
“I wonder if they’re ever going to teach us how to count...?”
Ridiculous? Of course it is! Unfortunately, that’s the way most schools teach psycho-social skills. That’s the way most schools try to stop bullying, which is a tragic psycho-social mistake. Teaching anti-bullying is like trying to fight fire with fire. Bullying comes from fear and shame. How do we try to stop it? Most adults use fear and shame to try to stop bullying. Yes, unfortunately, many adults try to get kids to stop bullying by bullying the kids. Threatening them. Shaming them. Punishing them. Then they wonder why it doesn’t work. In fact, it just reinforces the cycle of bullying. How is that working for us? How is that working for our kids?
For that matter, how is that working for our families, our workplaces, and our world leaders? What if we try something different?
Even though in today’s innovation economy, psycho-social skills are THE most important skills for success, most schools usually don’t teach psycho-social or social emotional skills at all. We expect kids from all different backgrounds and experiences to magically know how to calm down, manage stress, build self-esteem, communicate respectfully, and resolve conflicts safely.
Many, if not most kids, don’t learn these skills at home. In fact, many of the children come from homes where they are not even safe, and their parents and siblings model ANTI-social skills. Some of them come from homes that feel like the titanic. Even the most caring parents can struggle with health issues, mental health issues, divorce, poverty, hunger, or other overwhelming problems.
Unfortunately, most super heroes and most media also teach kids to respond violently and beat up the so-called “bad guys”. Kids learn what they live. Then they go to school, and get punished for not having skills that we never even teach them. Then we wonder why they don’t stop bullying. Usually, they just get better at doing it quietly, behind our backs.
How about we try something new?
What if we recognized that technology and computers can handle most rote skills now, and that the MOST important skills kids need to be happy and successful are psycho-social skills? What if we actually taught psycho-social skills in schools? What if we taught kids easy, fast ways to calm down, manage stress, build self-esteem, communicate respectfully, and resolve conflicts safely? What if we did this in a fun, motivating way?
Hi. My name is Sharon Love. I’m a psycho-educational leader who has been researching and teaching psychosocial success secrets for over 25 years. To make it easier and more fun for kids to learn these skills, I developed four monkey characters, called Super Peace Monkeys™. Through fun e-books, videos, games, gifts, posters and teaching materials, the four Super Peace Monkeys™ teach teachers, parents and kids four psycho-social success secrets. To get the first and most important secret for FREE, you can sign up here below...
Imagine being a small kid starting school, and on the first day, they say to you,
“math mistakes are bad. Don’t you dare make these math mistakes. If you make these math mistakes, you’ll be in big, big trouble. Maybe we’ll send you to the principal, or suspend you! If you make these math mistakes, shame on you. Every month, we’ll repeat this same message, because math mistakes are evil. Okay, that’s it for math. Now, it’s time for reading.”
Meanwhile, you’re looking at the teacher, saying to yourself,
“I wonder if they’re ever going to teach us how to count...?”
Ridiculous? Of course it is! Unfortunately, that’s the way most schools teach psycho-social skills. That’s the way most schools try to stop bullying, which is a tragic psycho-social mistake. Teaching anti-bullying is like trying to fight fire with fire. Bullying comes from fear and shame. How do we try to stop it? Most adults use fear and shame to try to stop bullying. Yes, unfortunately, many adults try to get kids to stop bullying by bullying the kids. Threatening them. Shaming them. Punishing them. Then they wonder why it doesn’t work. In fact, it just reinforces the cycle of bullying. How is that working for us? How is that working for our kids?
For that matter, how is that working for our families, our workplaces, and our world leaders? What if we try something different?
Even though in today’s innovation economy, psycho-social skills are THE most important skills for success, most schools usually don’t teach psycho-social or social emotional skills at all. We expect kids from all different backgrounds and experiences to magically know how to calm down, manage stress, build self-esteem, communicate respectfully, and resolve conflicts safely.
Many, if not most kids, don’t learn these skills at home. In fact, many of the children come from homes where they are not even safe, and their parents and siblings model ANTI-social skills. Some of them come from homes that feel like the titanic. Even the most caring parents can struggle with health issues, mental health issues, divorce, poverty, hunger, or other overwhelming problems.
Unfortunately, most super heroes and most media also teach kids to respond violently and beat up the so-called “bad guys”. Kids learn what they live. Then they go to school, and get punished for not having skills that we never even teach them. Then we wonder why they don’t stop bullying. Usually, they just get better at doing it quietly, behind our backs.
How about we try something new?
What if we recognized that technology and computers can handle most rote skills now, and that the MOST important skills kids need to be happy and successful are psycho-social skills? What if we actually taught psycho-social skills in schools? What if we taught kids easy, fast ways to calm down, manage stress, build self-esteem, communicate respectfully, and resolve conflicts safely? What if we did this in a fun, motivating way?
Hi. My name is Sharon Love. I’m a psycho-educational leader who has been researching and teaching psychosocial success secrets for over 25 years. To make it easier and more fun for kids to learn these skills, I developed four monkey characters, called Super Peace Monkeys™. Through fun e-books, videos, games, gifts, posters and teaching materials, the four Super Peace Monkeys™ teach teachers, parents and kids four psycho-social success secrets. To get the first and most important secret for FREE, you can sign up here below...
YES! You can enjoy happier homes or classrooms. With the FREE VIDEO and kit, you will learn a surprising, unique, 5-second technique to find peace of mind in any situation, developed through over 20 years of teaching and psychological research. Dare to dream of kids ages who are calm, confident & cooperative! If you would like a kit of FREE videos, activities and games that teach psycho-social success secrets to help kids (ages 3-10), please ...
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Thanks! YOU make a difference. Together, we can create cooperative kids, and a peaceful world.
-Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Creator, Super Peace Monkeys
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