To join us for free gay-friendly events on-line, click here. Enjoy inspiring success stories. Learn secrets. Make a difference, make a living, and make new friends from around the world.
YES! You Can Speak to
Make an Income from Making a Difference

Are you gay-friendly (ie., open-minded)?
Do you like to inspire people & make a difference?
Are you a dynamic speaker, teacher or performer?
Would you like to earn thousands of dollars per talk?
Click here to earn Certification as an OUTstanding Speaker.
click here to apply to be promoted our new speaker's bureau if you are a speaker or performer with at least 100 hours of experience.
OUTstanding Lives Network empowers gay-friendly speakers to inspire millions by promoting them and/or coaching them to promote themselves.
To apply to be one of our featured speakers that we promote through our new speakers' bureau (at no cost to you), please send your name, contact information, bio, preferred audience (corporate / college / other), presentation title, description and photo, preferably along with a video and testimonials, by clicking here. Note that it may take a minute or two to to appear. You can also e-mail sharon(at) . Please write "SPEAKER APPLICATION" in the subject line.
To learn how to promote your own speaking career, click here.
To earn Certification as an OUTstanding Speaker, click here.
Do you like to inspire people & make a difference?
Are you a dynamic speaker, teacher or performer?
Would you like to earn thousands of dollars per talk?
Click here to earn Certification as an OUTstanding Speaker.
click here to apply to be promoted our new speaker's bureau if you are a speaker or performer with at least 100 hours of experience.
OUTstanding Lives Network empowers gay-friendly speakers to inspire millions by promoting them and/or coaching them to promote themselves.
To apply to be one of our featured speakers that we promote through our new speakers' bureau (at no cost to you), please send your name, contact information, bio, preferred audience (corporate / college / other), presentation title, description and photo, preferably along with a video and testimonials, by clicking here. Note that it may take a minute or two to to appear. You can also e-mail sharon(at) . Please write "SPEAKER APPLICATION" in the subject line.
To learn how to promote your own speaking career, click here.
To earn Certification as an OUTstanding Speaker, click here.
Networker Certification
Earn certification to deliver the 1-minute Presentation "You, Too, Can Motivate Millions."
Earn Bronze Speaker Certification
Earn certification to deliver the 5-minute Presentation "You, Too, Can Motivate Millions." Enjoy five sessions of motivational speaking coaching, five sessions of marketing coaching (each session is thirty minutes, so you get five hours total of coaching), the Powerpoint presentation, license to deliver the presentation, and one paragraph on our web site including your bio and contact information. Participate in an internship and get feedback on your speaking videos. Plus enjoy additional income opportunities if your audience members choose to become clients.
When you graduate, we will help you attract speaking opportunties. Enjoy listing your picture or logo, web link, and description of up to 5 words in our web site and ten issues of our on-line magazine to 13,000 gay-friendly people (80% Americans, 10% Canadians) for ten months. Plus gain a license to use our OUTstanding Partner seal, for ten months. Also grow your results through twenty minutes of phone coaching in which you learn the first two secrets of how we inspired millions to join our social network, with zero budget. Discover how you, too, can inspire millions at no cost. Also, use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows. Also enjoy a one-minute on-line radio show of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter.
By invitation only. This program is designed for people with ten hours or more of public speaking experience or teaching experience. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives
Earn Silver Speaker Certification
Earn certification to deliver the 20-minute Presentation "You, Too, Can Motivate Millions." Enjoy ten sessions of motivational speaking coaching, ten sessions of marketing coaching (each session is thirty minutes, so you get ten hours total of coaching), the Powerpoint presentation, license to deliver the presentation, one full page on our web site including your bio and contact information, and a link in our newsletter to 13,000 people. Participate in an internship and get feedback on your speaking videos. Plus enjoy additional income opportunities if your audience members choose to become clients.
When you graduate, we will help you attract speaking opportunties. Enjoy with full page listing in the gay-friendly directory, with left side navigation bar listing, logo, and up to 500 words. Plus, gain a license to use our seal, for a full year. Also grow your results through an two hours of phone coaching in which you learn the five secrets of how we inspired millions to join our social network, with zero budget. Discover how you, too, can inspire millions at no cost. Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
Also, attract people to your page with both of the following:
a) Social Market Research Survey for your niche designed by Sharon Love, which takes people to your site after completion, and
b) Customized, interactive web page on our site with up to ten of the following elements: YouTube Videos, pictures, inspiring text, photo galleries, contact forms, polls, e-commerce buttons, slide shows, maps, feed readers, and/or games
c) Two one-minute radio shows of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter
By invitation only. This program is designed for people with twenty hours or more of public speaking experience or teaching experience. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives
Thanks. You make a difference.
When you graduate, we will help you attract speaking opportunties. Enjoy with full page listing in the gay-friendly directory, with left side navigation bar listing, logo, and up to 500 words. Plus, gain a license to use our seal, for a full year. Also grow your results through an two hours of phone coaching in which you learn the five secrets of how we inspired millions to join our social network, with zero budget. Discover how you, too, can inspire millions at no cost. Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
Also, attract people to your page with both of the following:
a) Social Market Research Survey for your niche designed by Sharon Love, which takes people to your site after completion, and
b) Customized, interactive web page on our site with up to ten of the following elements: YouTube Videos, pictures, inspiring text, photo galleries, contact forms, polls, e-commerce buttons, slide shows, maps, feed readers, and/or games
c) Two one-minute radio shows of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter
By invitation only. This program is designed for people with twenty hours or more of public speaking experience or teaching experience. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives
Thanks. You make a difference.
Earn Gold Speaker Certification
Earn certification to deliver the 60-minute Presentation "You, Too, Can Motivate Millions." Enjoy twenty sessions of motivational speaking coaching, ten sessions of marketing coaching and ten sessions of leadership coaching (each session is thirty minutes, so you get twenty hours total of coaching), the Powerpoint presentation, license to deliver the presentation, one full page on our web site including your bio and contact information, a gold partnership, and a link in our newsletter to 13,000 people. Participate in an internship and get feedback on your speaking videos. Plus enjoy additional income opportunities if your audience members choose to become clients.
Earn certification to deliver the 20-minute Presentation "You, Too, Can Motivate Millions." Enjoy ten sessions of motivational speaking coaching, ten sessions of marketing coaching (each session is thirty minutes, so you get ten hours total of coaching), the Powerpoint presentation, license to deliver the presentation, one full page on our web site including your bio and contact information, and a link in our newsletter to 13,000 people. Participate in an internship and get feedback on your speaking videos. Plus enjoy additional income opportunities if your audience members choose to become clients. By invitation only. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives
When you graduate, we will help you attract speaking opportunties. Enjoy with full page listing in the gay-friendly directory, with left side navigation bar listing, logo, and up to 500 words. Plus, gain a license to use our seal, for a full year. Also grow your results through an two hours of phone coaching in which you learn the five secrets of how we inspired millions to join our social network, with zero budget. Discover how you, too, can inspire millions at no cost. Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
Also, attract people to your page with both of the following:
a) Social Market Research Survey for your niche designed by Sharon Love, which takes people to your site after completion, and
b) Customized, interactive web page on our site with up to ten of the following elements: YouTube Videos, pictures, inspiring text, photo galleries, contact forms, polls, e-commerce buttons, slide shows, maps, feed readers, and/or games
c) Five one-minute radio shows of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter
d) YouTube video of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter
Thanks. You make a difference.
By invitation only. This program is designed for people with one hundred hours or more of public speaking experience or teaching experience. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives
Earn certification to deliver the 20-minute Presentation "You, Too, Can Motivate Millions." Enjoy ten sessions of motivational speaking coaching, ten sessions of marketing coaching (each session is thirty minutes, so you get ten hours total of coaching), the Powerpoint presentation, license to deliver the presentation, one full page on our web site including your bio and contact information, and a link in our newsletter to 13,000 people. Participate in an internship and get feedback on your speaking videos. Plus enjoy additional income opportunities if your audience members choose to become clients. By invitation only. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives
When you graduate, we will help you attract speaking opportunties. Enjoy with full page listing in the gay-friendly directory, with left side navigation bar listing, logo, and up to 500 words. Plus, gain a license to use our seal, for a full year. Also grow your results through an two hours of phone coaching in which you learn the five secrets of how we inspired millions to join our social network, with zero budget. Discover how you, too, can inspire millions at no cost. Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
Also, attract people to your page with both of the following:
a) Social Market Research Survey for your niche designed by Sharon Love, which takes people to your site after completion, and
b) Customized, interactive web page on our site with up to ten of the following elements: YouTube Videos, pictures, inspiring text, photo galleries, contact forms, polls, e-commerce buttons, slide shows, maps, feed readers, and/or games
c) Five one-minute radio shows of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter
d) YouTube video of you speaking, with a link on our web site and in our newsletter
Thanks. You make a difference.
By invitation only. This program is designed for people with one hundred hours or more of public speaking experience or teaching experience. For more information or application, please call 416-693-5683 or skype outstanding.lives