Enjoy Free Fun & Videos

Enjoy OUTstanding Youth resources here...
* How You Can Rise from
Outcast to OUTstanding
* video by OUTstanding Lives
* OUTstanding Lives posters
* discussion forums
* social networks with 2.2 million members
* community support resources
* movie trailer videos
* Three Keys to Overcoming Bullying
* T-Shirts to Support Gay Youth
* Gay-Friendly Video Game
* "We care" campaign posts
Please share this link widely... http://www.outstandinglives.org
Thanks! You make a difference.
* How You Can Rise from
Outcast to OUTstanding
* video by OUTstanding Lives
* OUTstanding Lives posters
* discussion forums
* social networks with 2.2 million members
* community support resources
* movie trailer videos
* Three Keys to Overcoming Bullying
* T-Shirts to Support Gay Youth
* Gay-Friendly Video Game
* "We care" campaign posts
Please share this link widely... http://www.outstandinglives.org
Thanks! You make a difference.
You Can Rise from
Outcast to OUTstanding

As a teen, Sharon Love suffered from very painful shyness that left her almost mute. In high school, after facing many years of bullying, she earned a reputation as the “kid who can’t even talk”. She became fascinated with other outcasts, who later rose to become outstanding. This was the start of her research into Secrets of the World's Greatest Leaders.
Later, Love earned a Master’s degree in Psychology. Since then, by using the Secrets of the World's Greatest Leaders that she discovered, Love has inspired thousands with her dynamic presentations in French, English and Spanish. For over twenty years, she taught youth, college students, and corporate professionals, and worked as a bilingual Psychoeducational consultant. She has also taught senior executives from Fortune 500 companies how to achieve outstanding results from motivational speaking.
Today, Sharon Love, M.Ed. empowers gay-friendly leaders to inspire
millions. She coaches executives, entrepreneurs, entertainers & political leaders to achieve breakthrough results through motivational speaking and social media. The President of OUTstanding Lives, she earned international recognition as the creator of the social network “I Bet We Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same-Sex Marriage”. It grew to over two million people, with no budget – in under a month!
Recently, she co-authored an e-book, The First Secret of the World's Greatest Leaders, based on her research on Obama, Oprah, Ghandi, Gore, Ellen, Etheridge, and others greats. You can click the link above to learn the first secret for free.
Please join us to empower over 1,000,000 young people through our OUTstanding Youth programs.
Later, Love earned a Master’s degree in Psychology. Since then, by using the Secrets of the World's Greatest Leaders that she discovered, Love has inspired thousands with her dynamic presentations in French, English and Spanish. For over twenty years, she taught youth, college students, and corporate professionals, and worked as a bilingual Psychoeducational consultant. She has also taught senior executives from Fortune 500 companies how to achieve outstanding results from motivational speaking.
Today, Sharon Love, M.Ed. empowers gay-friendly leaders to inspire
millions. She coaches executives, entrepreneurs, entertainers & political leaders to achieve breakthrough results through motivational speaking and social media. The President of OUTstanding Lives, she earned international recognition as the creator of the social network “I Bet We Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same-Sex Marriage”. It grew to over two million people, with no budget – in under a month!
Recently, she co-authored an e-book, The First Secret of the World's Greatest Leaders, based on her research on Obama, Oprah, Ghandi, Gore, Ellen, Etheridge, and others greats. You can click the link above to learn the first secret for free.
Please join us to empower over 1,000,000 young people through our OUTstanding Youth programs.
Most People are a Bit Gay (Free Posters... Enjoy)

According to research (the Kinsey Report), 56% of people are sometimes attracted to people of the same sex. That means most of the people in this random photo are probably a little bit gay. Everyone deserves respect. Including you. For gay-friendly resources and links to free videos, you can visit www.outstandinglives.org .
More Free Posters from OUTstanding Lives... Enjoy
YOU Make a Difference. To get involved in the OUTstanding You Documentary to Inspire Pride in Millions of Youth, click here.
Free Videos of Gay-Friendly Movie Trailers
Enjoy realistic images of the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people. Learn about the culture of the community, and gain a sense of belonging and/or acceptance, no matter where you live.
Many of the entire movies are available for free on YouTube and/or or at your local library. You can post your comments on the discussion boards below. Please let us know which videos you'd like us to add. Thanks!
Many of the entire movies are available for free on YouTube and/or or at your local library. You can post your comments on the discussion boards below. Please let us know which videos you'd like us to add. Thanks!
Community Resources and Support

If you or someone you know is coming out, facing bullying, or seeking support, please look here for further resources...
It Gets Better Videos
The Trevor Project (American Helpline)
LGBT Youth Line
Gay & Lesbian Student Education Network
Ellen Speaks Out
It Gets Better Videos
The Trevor Project (American Helpline)
LGBT Youth Line
Gay & Lesbian Student Education Network
Ellen Speaks Out
T-Shirts & Gifts to Support Gay Youth
![]() You Can Buy a shirt and help save lives. Funds from the sale of these t-shirts and gifts help support the OUTstanding Lives "I Care..." Campaign, Free Fun & Support for Youth, OUTstanding Safe Schools Kit, and the Yes Love Wins Same-Sex Marriage Campaign with over 2.2 million members worldwide. Click here to visit our store.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
Respect Wins!
Three Keys to Overcoming Bullying

Anyone can bully or be a target of bullying. Bullying can take many forms. Have you experienced any of these kinds of abuse?
Physical bullying (punching, kicking, pushing, beating up, tripping, biting, choking, depriving you of sleep or food or medical attention, destroying your things, "play-fighting" that you don't want, etc.)
Emotional bullying (threatening, name-calling, insults, put-downs, blame, excessive crticism, shouting, humiliating, stalking, hurtful "jokes", etc.)
Social bullying (isolating, spreading false rumours, insulting someone in public, excluding, shunning, back-stabbing, gossiping, hurtful "jokes" that belittle you in front of others, etc.)
Prejudiced bullying (using homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, ageism or other prejudices against you)
Sexual bullying (sexually harassing comments, cartoons, gestures, oggling, unwanted touch, any unwanted sexual contact)
Mental bullying (lying, using guilt or fear to manipulate you, cult or mind abuse techniques, "ex-gay" brainwashing, using group pressure to manipulate you, forced confessions, "us verses them" attitudes that belittle outsiders, supposedly "perfect" or infallible group leaders, etc.)
Financial bullying (theft, or using lying, guilt or fear to get money from you, etc.)
Cyberbullying (sending hurtful messages, pictures, or information by email, instant messages, text messaging or voicemail, etc.).
Dealing with bullying is not easy. It can leave you feeling isolated, alone, scared, frustrated, angry, ashamed and even guilty. Remember, the bullying is NOT your fault. Bullying is usually a sad, misguided attempt by the bully to get rid of their own pain.
You can triumph over bullying. I did. There are three things you need:
1) Safety plan (for example, finding ways of avoiding the bullying, building supportive friendships, learning Aikido or self-defense, carrying a cell phone and/or camera, writing down any verbal bullying, switching schools or jobs if necessary, etc.)
2) Support (you can check out our community resources section on this web site, Google "gay support __________" with your country in the blank, search for a nearby gay-straight alliance, or even join some of our social networks)
3) Self-confidence (to build self-confidence, begin each day by listing five or more things that you like about yourself, treat yourself as you would a lover or a great best friend, stand proud with a smile, breathe deeply to relax, and/or check out the videos on this site to build a sense of pride in being gay, lesbian, bi, or trans.)
Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder
OUTstanding Lives Global
Physical bullying (punching, kicking, pushing, beating up, tripping, biting, choking, depriving you of sleep or food or medical attention, destroying your things, "play-fighting" that you don't want, etc.)
Emotional bullying (threatening, name-calling, insults, put-downs, blame, excessive crticism, shouting, humiliating, stalking, hurtful "jokes", etc.)
Social bullying (isolating, spreading false rumours, insulting someone in public, excluding, shunning, back-stabbing, gossiping, hurtful "jokes" that belittle you in front of others, etc.)
Prejudiced bullying (using homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, ageism or other prejudices against you)
Sexual bullying (sexually harassing comments, cartoons, gestures, oggling, unwanted touch, any unwanted sexual contact)
Mental bullying (lying, using guilt or fear to manipulate you, cult or mind abuse techniques, "ex-gay" brainwashing, using group pressure to manipulate you, forced confessions, "us verses them" attitudes that belittle outsiders, supposedly "perfect" or infallible group leaders, etc.)
Financial bullying (theft, or using lying, guilt or fear to get money from you, etc.)
Cyberbullying (sending hurtful messages, pictures, or information by email, instant messages, text messaging or voicemail, etc.).
Dealing with bullying is not easy. It can leave you feeling isolated, alone, scared, frustrated, angry, ashamed and even guilty. Remember, the bullying is NOT your fault. Bullying is usually a sad, misguided attempt by the bully to get rid of their own pain.
You can triumph over bullying. I did. There are three things you need:
1) Safety plan (for example, finding ways of avoiding the bullying, building supportive friendships, learning Aikido or self-defense, carrying a cell phone and/or camera, writing down any verbal bullying, switching schools or jobs if necessary, etc.)
2) Support (you can check out our community resources section on this web site, Google "gay support __________" with your country in the blank, search for a nearby gay-straight alliance, or even join some of our social networks)
3) Self-confidence (to build self-confidence, begin each day by listing five or more things that you like about yourself, treat yourself as you would a lover or a great best friend, stand proud with a smile, breathe deeply to relax, and/or check out the videos on this site to build a sense of pride in being gay, lesbian, bi, or trans.)
Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), Founder
OUTstanding Lives Global
Gay-Friendly Social Networks by OUTstanding Lives.org

OUTstanding Lives.org created over 30 Gay-Friendly Social Networks on Facebook and LinkedIn. Feel free to join them....
I Bet we Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same Sex Marriage (now with over 2.2 members)
The Great Gay-Friendly Video Experiment
Create Great Jobs for All Sexual Orientations
Yes Love Wins (International Anthem Video Collaboration)
Save Gay Lives in Uganda (Campaign to Overturn the Gay death Penalty Bill)
This Group is So Gay ; ) (Empowerment & Safe School Campaign)
I Love You (LGBT suicide prevention network with members from over 23 countries)
Create safe Schools for All Sexual Orientations
Declare UN Human Rights for All Sexual Orientations
Safer Sex is Hot (HIV/AIDS prevention campaign)
...and more
I Bet we Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same Sex Marriage (now with over 2.2 members)
The Great Gay-Friendly Video Experiment
Create Great Jobs for All Sexual Orientations
Yes Love Wins (International Anthem Video Collaboration)
Save Gay Lives in Uganda (Campaign to Overturn the Gay death Penalty Bill)
This Group is So Gay ; ) (Empowerment & Safe School Campaign)
I Love You (LGBT suicide prevention network with members from over 23 countries)
Create safe Schools for All Sexual Orientations
Declare UN Human Rights for All Sexual Orientations
Safer Sex is Hot (HIV/AIDS prevention campaign)
...and more
More Discussion Forums
We Care!
Our new goal is to collect 1,000 encouraging posts for lesbian, bisexual & trans youth and friends here. Please
1) Scroll down a bit to the forum below and
2) Click "Encourage Youth"
3) Log in or sign up with just two clicks, and add your post.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
1) Scroll down a bit to the forum below and
2) Click "Encourage Youth"
3) Log in or sign up with just two clicks, and add your post.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
Grow Your Results & Make a Difference

OUTstanding Lives.org inspires pride worldwide through media arts. We save young lives through our gay-friendly social networks of over 2.2 million members. Our on-line Gay-Friendly Resource Directory funds the life-saving networks and empowers the entire community.
Our web site got over 45,000 views in February, due to a large social media success with no budget (it gets over 9,000 views per month on average). We expect numbers to build again after we launch the directory in October.
As an OUTstanding Partner, You Can… List in our Gay-Friendly Resource Directory, Attract Clients, Voters, Funders, etc. Help Save Young Lives Use the OUTstanding Partner Logo, Earn Recognition for inspirirg pride worldwide, Boost Your Results, Be an Employer of Choice, and Make a Difference. Simply click the "List in our Directory" page to the left, or call 416-693-5683 for more information.
We donate 10% or more of income from partnerships to our favourite charities, including:
* LGBT Youth Line
* Unicef (Oral Rehydration Sachets save lives)
Click here to learn more about how you can grow your results and support gay youth.
Thanks! You make a difference.
Sharon Love, M.Ed., Founder
OUTstanding Lives Global
Skype: outstanding.lives
Phone: 416-693-5683
Our web site got over 45,000 views in February, due to a large social media success with no budget (it gets over 9,000 views per month on average). We expect numbers to build again after we launch the directory in October.
As an OUTstanding Partner, You Can… List in our Gay-Friendly Resource Directory, Attract Clients, Voters, Funders, etc. Help Save Young Lives Use the OUTstanding Partner Logo, Earn Recognition for inspirirg pride worldwide, Boost Your Results, Be an Employer of Choice, and Make a Difference. Simply click the "List in our Directory" page to the left, or call 416-693-5683 for more information.
We donate 10% or more of income from partnerships to our favourite charities, including:
* LGBT Youth Line
* Unicef (Oral Rehydration Sachets save lives)
Click here to learn more about how you can grow your results and support gay youth.
Thanks! You make a difference.
Sharon Love, M.Ed., Founder
OUTstanding Lives Global
Skype: outstanding.lives
Phone: 416-693-5683
For our OUTstanding Youth Confidence Program, click here.
To enjoy Free Fun & Videos to Inspire Pride, click here.
For the Free Safe Schools Kit from OUTstanding Lives, click here.
To find support for OUTstanding Youth, click here.
To enjoy Free Fun & Videos to Inspire Pride, click here.
For the Free Safe Schools Kit from OUTstanding Lives, click here.
To find support for OUTstanding Youth, click here.